Friday, January 23, 2015

Japanese tea ceremony

Today we had a Japanese tea ceremony in our classroom to go along with our study of Japan. The students learned that there are many rules to having a Japanese tea ceremony.

Rule #1: Wash your hands before entering the tea room.
Rule #2: Take off your shoes
Rule #3: The host cleans all of the tea materials.
How to make Japanese tea:
1. Put two scoops of tea powder into the tea bowl.
2. Laddle hot water into the bowl.
3. Use a bamboo whisk to mix the tea powder in hot water.
4. Serve the tea! Each student bows to the host before they drink their "tea" (the students pretended cups of water were tea).
Delicious! Ask your child about our Japanese tea ceremony :) 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Scholastic Book Order Reminder!

Reading Club Order Due Date : January 30



Shop Online:

One-Time Class Activation Code: NCPTX


Dear Families,


Please remember to place your Reading Club orders by January 30!


You can shop and submit your order online or return the printed order form with payment directly to me. No matter how you order, every purchase you make earns FREE Books and educational supplies for our classroom.


The arrival of the book box is always a highlight-thanks for making it happen!


Happy reading,

 Mrs. Nolan



Ordering online is fast and easy:


  •  VISIT

  •  ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (top of this letter)

  •  SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books, value packs, and Storia eBooks

  •  SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom

  •  All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!
    My Book Recommendations
    How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? – Early Childhood January # 26B5
    The Pigeon Needs a Bath! – Kindergartners January # 54N5
    Snowy Reader Savings Pack – Kindergartners January # 67N5
    Splat the Cat Rhyming Game – Kindergartners January # 71N5

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Curious George Performance Field Trip!

 Curious George Performance

Field Trip Information


Dear Kindergarten Families,


Your child’s kindergarten class will be going on a field trip to attend a performance of Curious George: The Golden Meatball at the Berklee Performance Center in Boston on Wednesday, April 1, 2015.


Permission Slip and Cost: Please fill out the attached permission slip return it and $9.00 (cash only) by Friday, January 23rd.  All money is needed by this date in order to secure our reservation with the theatre. Thank you for your understanding.


Snack and Lunch: Your child will need to bring a snack and a NUT FREE LUNCH to school on this day. We will be eating snack before we leave Stratton and will be eating lunch in our classroom upon our return. Students will not be able to buy lunch from the cafeteria. If you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher.


Transportation: We will be leaving by bus at 9:00 a.m. and will be returning to Stratton by 12:00p.m. We have two buses reserved for teachers, students, and two chaperones per classroom.


Chaperones: Due to limited space, we can only bring two chaperones per class. On Monday, January 26, 2015 we will have a lottery to draw two names per class. We will notify you if your name is drawn to chaperone. Chaperones will need to pay $9.00 if chosen. If you are interested in chaperoning please fill out the chaperone section on the permission slip. (Please note: Our field trip to the zoo in May allows for more chaperones! If you do not get picked for this trip you are more than welcome to come to the zoo J).

If you have any questions please let your child’s teacher know. Thank you!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Stratton Book Exchange

Annual Book Exchange
February 11th, Wednesday
Collecting NOW
The Annual Spring Book Exchange will be held in the cafeteria
on Wednesday, February 11th during the school day.
Donate books you no longer want and take home new reading material.

Donation: You may donate as many books as you like. Here are some basic guidelines to follow when choosing your donations:

  • Books should be in good used condition
  • Books should be in the categories of picture, early reader, chapter, young   adult, current elementary reference and current elementary non-fiction
  • Educational activity books okay if blank; No coloring or sticker books
  • Avoid commercial or TV/movie tie-in's please

Collection: A large collection box will be placed in the hallway opposite the main entrance starting January 12th. Smaller collection boxes will be placed outside each classroom starting January 30th through February 10th. Books will be sorted by parent volunteers and arranged for display in the cafeteria on February 11th. (Some books may be added to the library collection.)

Selection: Each class will have a time to visit and select books they would like. ALL students will get to take home new reading material.
Volunteers: Parents who are interested in helping to sort donations, staff the exchange or participate in clean-up please sign up at:
Thank you!

Stratton Movie Night!

Dear K1 Families:

This year several Stratton PTO events are paired with a specific grade to increase family involvement and help grade levels show their Stratton PRIDE for the events. The Kindergarten class is hosting the movie night at Stratton on Friday, January 30, 6:30-8:30pm. As your room parents, Kate and I are asking for your help in ensuring Kindergarten families show their Stratton PRIDE by holding a successful event.

Please consider volunteering for any amount of time. The link to sign up, including further details is Students are welcome to volunteer with parents and often enjoy doing so. If you have questions about the event or volunteering please contact Tina Mantini or Sally DiAngelis, PTO Social Chairs.

We will keep you posted on the movie choices, which will be made soon. Thank you for your assistance!


Jen Wight