Friday, January 19, 2018

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Today we simulated what it would be like to go to a teahouse in Japan and have a Japanese tea ceremony.
The first thing we needed to do before having tea was to wash our hands.
Next, we needed to take off our shoes before entering the teahouse.
Then, we sat in a circle around the host and watched as she cleaned the materials, scooped the tea into the teapot, and poured tea into a teacup.
Finally, the host passed out the tea. Before receiving a cup, we had to show a sign of respect by bowing in front of the host.
When the host asked us how our tea tasted, we all responded with "it's delicious!" That's another way to show respect.
Make sure to ask your child about it!

PLEASE NOTE: The K-1 class did not actually drink real tea. The cups they had were filled with water and we pretended that it was tea.













Thursday, January 18, 2018


This week in science we talked about the word camouflage and how different things (Ninjas, animals, plants, etc.) have to blend into their environments.
We learned that it's important for ninjas to camouflage themselves because they were spies and didn't want to be seen.

First, we started by figuring out where we wanted to camouflage or hide our ninjas within the classroom. Next, we colored and cut out our ninjas.
Finally, we took turns hiding the ninjas and worked as a team to see if we could find where the ninjas were camouflaged.
Make sure to ask your child about it!






Thursday, January 11, 2018

Stratton Spirit Days!

Dear Stratton Families,
We have decided to have 1 school wide spirit day a month!  The students voted on the different options before winter break and the results are in!  The following are our spirit days and a short description of how the kids could dress/do!

January 19 Stuffed Animal Day- bring 1 stuffed animal from home to school
February 9 Olympic Day- dress up in colors to support a country or wear clothing that represents a winter Olympic Sport
March 29 Crazy Hat/Wacky Hair- wear a crazy or silly hat to school or wear your hair in a funny hair-do
April 13 PJ day- Wear your PJs to school!
May Date TBD Mismatch Day- wear an outfit that totally doesn't go together, examples could be all different patterns, colors or mix sport clothing with a tie and dress shoes, the ideas are endless! 
June 8 Flip Flop Day- students dress like teachers and teachers will dress like students

We look forward to building community and having some fun through these days!

Statton Staff

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Learning Karate from a REAL Sensi!

This week we began our study of Japan and Ninjas. We were lucky enough to have a sensi come in and teach us some self control and a few karate moves. Check out our pictures below...