Friday, March 15, 2019

Melt-An-Ice -Cube!

Today during science, we worked together to melt an ice cube as quickly as possible.

After, we had a discussion about what helped to melt the ice cube the fastest and what didn’t help much. Be sure to ask your child about it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

NEW Dismissal Routine

Dear Stratton community:

Beginning on Monday, March 18th, all students will be dismissed to the blacktop - including kindergarten students - and the Circle will no long be a dismissal location.  The reasons for this change are in order to assure student safety in an environment where there are no cars or buses, and for more space for student play after dismissal.  We are including kindergarten because of expressed concerns about picking up kindergarten siblings of 1st and 2nd grade students in a different location.  The following will be the dismissal locations going forward:

Kindergarten: Pick up will be at the kindergarten door from the blacktop, the one grades 1-5 uses for indoor arrival.  Faculty will release students there one at a time as they do now to their caregiver.
1st and 2nd grade: The gym door to the blacktop.  Each student will need to identify a caregiver before being released, as we do now in the Circle.
3rd, 4th and 5th grade: Up Pheasant Ave to the blacktop.  This should now include almost all 3rd-5th graders, excepting those that have after school programming upstairs.

Some reminders and updates from faculty:
- Please position yourself as close to the door as possible when picking up your child so faculty can see you!
- At 2:35, students not picked up will be escorted by 5th grade leaders to the main office to wait for pick up, and have a call home to check on timing.
- Please make new family arrangements with siblings picking up younger siblings centered on the blacktop.

We made this shift to the Circle by necessity during the building project, and there are some very helpful things about it, but we look forward to the increased safety and convenience we hope this offers all families.

Mr. Hanna

Friday, March 8, 2019

Animal Track Detectives

During science, we looked at many different animal tracks and tried to figure out which animal created each type of track. 

Be sure to talk to your child about it!